Sunday, 10 April 2011

Bramble Bag III - in various colourways - June 2010

 Andrea & I both made one in the same colourway.  Andrea embellished her bag with beads & embroidery stitches. I added two pockets inside, sewn to the lining before the bag top was added - which didn't quite sit very well - but holds my mobile nicely.  :)  and partitions the inside of the bag nicely.

I made a second bag, using embroidered, green taffeta fabric & a pre-textured FQ in green, shiny satin.  I used a tan brown lining fabric to pull out the embellished leafs on the outer fabric.  Pocket worked much better.  It was a seperate square made up & attached under the bag top.  Lining around this part was allowed to be ungatthered to hold the pocket better.

Nice feet!   lol

I have also started a burgundy version using velvet and taffetta - watch this space!  I will post photos as soon as I can.

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