Saturday, 9 April 2011

Our first Craft Fair - May 2007

What were we thinking!  lol  It was held in Dunchurch Village Hall, run by Sue Eversfield. It was March 2007.

Many weeks planning, including collecting ribbons from the warehouse.  Our first official sale was a piece of gripper fabric - so a lady could secure her ashtrays!

We also had a couple of the girl guides buy some of our play sand to make there own pin cushions!  The ribbon pack sold 'well' compared with everything else.

Andrea very nearly sold a locking hook kit to a lady - who sadly never came back to see us!

We both ageed that we needed more 'made' stuff next time.  Lessons learnt.  Fun was had & it made a nice change from shopping!

... was at the Village Hall in Brinklow.  Jeff drove me down & helped us to take the stuff into the Hall.  Dorian organised it & we had the first able near the main entrance door.  Micala joined us, bringing her soaps & bath oils - she sold more than we did!  We promised each other again that we would make more stuff next time.

... was at Churchover Village Hall.  Run by Dorian and her son, Zac.  We were by the main door again :) Armed with chocolates for the childre, we did much better.  One lady bought a pack of FQs & asked for them to be hemmed to make napkins!  Andrea volunteered to sew them & the completed 'napkins' were posted to her a couple of weeks later  :)

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